Sunday, April 5, 2009

rugstore Products Can’t Compare

rugstore Products Can’t Compare to Hyaluronic Acid
A large percentage of people buy their skin care products at the local drugstore or chain store. Not surprisingly, many of these people are also surprised at how poor the condition of their skin really is. Many people even mistakenly feel that if it were not for the skin products that they use, their skin would be in even worse shape.
The truth is that almost all drugstore skin care products do more to damage your skin than to help it. When considering why drugstore products are simply not safe or effective, there is much to understand. When considering high quality ingredients found in reputable products such as Hyaluronic Acid cream, you have a single ingredient that has been tailored to ensure that it is entirely safe and effective. These products cost more but offer truly effective results. Drug store products, on the other hand, are remarkably inexpensive. Many even boast natural ingredients. The catch here is multifold. First, the natural ingredients in these products are typically in quantities so low that they can barely be detected, rendering them useless. These products are also made almost entirely of chemicals and alcohols. While this can create a product that smells wonderful, it is very drying and damaging to the skin. The reason for this is simple, however, as a container of these products often costs only a few pennies to manufacture. The companies that make drugstore products have to create a product that is as inexpensive as possible, leaving little money to worry about effective ingredients. Once the product includes the cost of manufacture, shipping, company overhead, drugstore overhead, and drugstore cost, companies know that the only way to see any profit is to sell a product that is made almost entirely of fillers. When you by a Hyaluronic Acid serum from a manufacturer committed to quality, you can rest assured that there is no middleman collecting profits. All of the money spent in the making of these products goes into researching the most effective ingredients and finding ways to ensure that they offer maximum benefit. The next time you weigh the benefits of drugstore skin care, think about what you are really putting on your skin. Then, simply take the time to consider the benefits of buying a product that is truly effective. The difference in true value will become obvious.

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